How Long Does It Take to Install an HVAC System? - A Comprehensive Guide

Installing an HVAC system is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Learn how long it takes to install an HVAC system and how to maximize its lifespan.

How Long Does It Take to Install an HVAC System? - A Comprehensive Guide

Installing an HVAC system is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. It can take anywhere from 3 to 6 days, depending on the size of the unit, the location of the installation, and the company you hire. On average, it will take 4 to 8 hours to replace an air conditioner, and 8-14 hours if you're replacing both the oven and the air conditioning unit at the same time. Before any installation can begin, a professional contractor must perform an inspection.

This is to ensure that all spacing, measurements of the area, and the installation of ducts are taken into account. The average lifespan of an air conditioning system ranges from 10 to 25 years, depending on the climate and type of heating and cooling system you have. However, this lifespan can be shortened if your home isn't professionally insulated or hermetically sealed. Utility companies often offer HVAC rebates when you're ready to upgrade your HVAC system to a low-energy model.

This is because modern HVAC technology has come a long way in terms of energy efficiency. Even if your current system “continues to work well”, it's important to consider a replacement in order to maximize your home's energy efficiency. It's important to hire a reliable contractor who can ensure that all steps are followed correctly in order to maximize the lifespan of your air conditioning system. If you're looking for a reliable air conditioner installer in the Ottawa region, contact Draft Control.

Lula Squires
Lula Squires

Proud internet maven. Award-winning music expert. Wannabe beer enthusiast. Amateur travel specialist. Evil social media fanatic. Freelance problem solver.

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